Arab Open University
Fifth Strategic Plan 2022-2027
AOU President's Speech
AOU Strategic Themes
Strategic Goals
Promote Academic Excellence
Support Scientific Research and Encourage Innovation and Pioneering
Enrich and Improve Students' Experience in Light of Global Developments
Ensure Institutional Continuity and Sustainability of Financial Resources
Promote Best Practices of Good Governance needed to Provide a Supportive and Positive Work Environment
Expand Social Responsibility and Partnership Programmes in Order to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Develop the Technical Infrastructure and Provide Smart and Secure Solutions to Enhance Digital Transformation
Develop Human Resources and Build Capacities to Maximize the Level of Efficiency and Effectiveness
Promote the Mental Image of the University and its Media Presence in Local Communities
Develop Effective Partnerships and Relations at the Local, Regional, and International Levels
كلمة رئيس الجامعة
الغايات الاستراتيجية للجامعة
تعزيز التميز الأكاديمي
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Nineteenth Goal:
Strengthening partnership and social responsibility programs to contribute to the development of local communities
The percentage of increase in the number of training programs and capacity-raising carried out by the university
Percentage increase in the number of beneficiaries of training and capacity-building programs
The level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries with the training services
Percentage increase in the number of consultations provided to serve the local community
The level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries with the advice provided
Percentage increase in the number of partnerships with relevant local and international civil society organizations
Number of environmental initiatives inside and outside the university
العمل على تكثيف أنشطة التدريب والاستشارات والتعليم المستمر
العمل على تكثيف النشاطات الهادفة لخدمة المجتمع
تطوير برامج التطوع لخدمة المجتمع
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